Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's December 18, 2022 Weekly Weather



Three planets enter new signs this week.  Sun into Capricorn.  Jupiter into Aries. Ceres into Libra.  Action packed with five Out of Bounds planets this week ~ Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!  Lots of wild energy!!   Sun  forms a t square with Jupiter and Ceres as well as a Hammer of Thor with Uranus swinging the handle.  Ouch. Remember to duck.  Ceres leaves Virgo the sign of work, work, work and begins to connect with friends and family.when she's in Libra. Party time. Saturn and Uranus both aspect the Nodes of Fate by declination ~ a very definite and finite energy.   Action, action, action!!  There are numerous quintiles this week.  Fifth harmonic aspects are fun, flirty and creative.  Lots of zoom in the heart and the sky.  Enjoy. The week finishes with a New Moon in Capricorn on December 23....New beginnings amid all the ending energy.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level