Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep 12. Food & The Mood. Keeping a happy belly for a happy mind: Calm Mind Confident Life



Ep 12. Food & The Mood. Two friends chatting about food & the mood. Listen in as I talk to my good friend, Steph Lowe. A chef, baker and owner of Gingernut Goodies, a company specialising in ‘free-from’ savoury & sweet treats. Like all good friends, we cram a lot of chat in to this half an hour. From the importance of gut health on serotonin levels and happiness, to the Ayurvedic diet and the importance of knowing your body type. I think you’ll really enjoy this honest and upbeat discussion; as Steph shares her own experiences and fresh approach to food. Key takeaway - It isn’t about cutting stuff out or listening to fads. It’s about listening to your body, understanding we are all different and having a calm mindset towards it all. Steph created her business based on her own personal struggles with food, including intolerances to gluten and diary. As a chef with these intolerances, Steph became interested in the link between what she was eating, how it was effecting her body and in turn how it was ef