Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep 15. Love And Compassion Meditation - Calm Mind Confident Life



Ep 15. Love and Compassion Meditation This week I have another meditation exercise for you and the theme is opening your heart to love and compassion. Yesterday Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married and there was so much talk about the power of love. When we truly open ourselves up to love it can really help bring a new positive outlook to our day. This meditation is great for helping soften our hearts and connect back to ourselves and everyone around us. It is also massively helpful in teaching us how to pay attention to our pain, listen to what it is teaching us and form a new understanding of how to manage it. If practised regularly you can actually feel your capacity for compassion increase significantly. I love this meditation and I hope you will too! Join our facebook community where I will be sharing more about the importance of compassion for ourselves and others.