Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep. 22 The Importance of Friendship & How to Manifest Your Inner Friend: Calm Mind Confident Life



That amazing feeling when you feel you have your tribe around you, when you feel supported and secure, when you can leave your insecurities at the door and just be who you want to be. In this episode Nathalie talks about the importance of friendship between women, having friends, being a good friend to others and being a good friend to yourself. She also leads you through a super simple exercise based on techniques from law of attraction and meditation to help you connect to your inner friend and that support circle around you. It's suggested that you practise this exercise regularly, writing down your thoughts as well as doing it as part of a meditation practise(if you choose). Remember what you put in you get out. Put kindness, love and friendship into yourself and others, get kindness, love and friendship back.