Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 140: Margaret Kocherga, Founder of Magrik



  Today we welcome Dr. Margaret Kocherga to the podcast. Margaret is the founder and CEO of Margik, a hardware tech company looking to make organic-based lighting mainstream. A self-described ‘accidental entrepreneur’, Margaret started Margik while earning her PhD in Nanoscale Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. After founding the company, Margaret was awarded a NC IDEA grant, completed the Department of Energy’s Chain Reaction Innovation program, and even appeared on Amazon Prime’s Unicorn Hunters television series. We cover many topics in this episode, including how Margaret… Immigrated from Kyiv, Ukraine to Charlotte, NC at the age of 15 Recovered from an ACL tear that prematurely ended her ballet career Discovered her passion for science out of necessity Navigated different funding sources and grants to finance Margik Knocked on doors in Silicon Valley to land Margik’s first commercial pilot …as well as how Charlotte can stop losing hardware tech startups to places lik