K-love News Podcast

Cartoons About Faith, People & Life: Respected Cartoonist Joe McKeever



By Richard Hunt God told me, “I’m to encourage people with these.” For decades, pastor and cartoonist Joe McKeever has visited churches to share the message of Christ. Often, he will meet and greet and take the time to draw portraits of them, and talk about Jesus while he’s sketching. At some sittings, Joe will do literally dozens of portraits, sometimes dedicating two hours to be sure no one is left out. “I just sit in the corner and draw people.” Besides his in-person church work, Joe has been doing cartoons and editorial cartoons for years. It’s very likely you’ve seen some of his professional work on sites like Baptist Press. And Joe is aware that his cartoon work gets ‘borrowed’ quite a bit by other media sources and just regular folks on social media. And that doesn’t bother him one bit. As a matter of fact, that fits into his guidance from God, who told him, “I’m to encourage people with these.” If people re-post his cartoons, all the better.