Seltzer Death Match

JAM.15: Strawberry Verbena



How long does jam keep? Today we'll give you the FDA's official guidelines on jam safety so you can know whether it's time to throw out the remnants of that Day 1 Rhubarb Strawberry spread. Plus, Abbey Kos and Travis Larchuk will stuff their maws with the fifteenth of 23 jams and 1 honey. "Little French Jelly Death Match" continues! CURRENT STANDINGS 1. Mirabelle Plum Linden Blossom (58) -- 10-day jampion 2. Strawberry and Redcurrant (54) 3. Fig Cardamom (47) 4. Apricot Peach (45) 5. Cherry Elderflower (44) 6. Pineapple Yuzu (42) - tie at #6 6. Orange Mandarin (42) - tie at #6 6. Orange Yuzu Grapefruit (42) - tie at #6 6. Peach Jasmine Flower (42) - tie at #6 10. Rhubarb Strawberry (35) 11. Apple Caramel Cinnamon (34) 12. Pear with Cocoa Nib (32) 13. Grapefruit Dragonfruit (24)