Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Holiday Survival Guide: Activate Your Parasympathetic Nervous System | ES151 [with DOUGLAS BERTRAM]



Do you often find that the holidays are not only the most magical time of the year but also one of the more stressful ones?Not only emotionally, but with all the preparations, getting the kids together, traveling, and seeing the inlaws. But also physically, not getting enough sleep, too much sugary, fatty foods, drinking too much alcohol, and too little time taking care of yourself. No wonder many of us coming January 1st are dealing with a holiday hangover.So how can we avoid this? Join special guest Douglas Bertram and me to learn how. Meet Douglas BertramDouglas Bertram, L.Ac., CEO/ Founder of Structural Elements® has 27 years of clinical experience treating patients with his proprietary combination of Chinese Medicine and Manual Therapy. He is an Educator, Public Speaker, and Entrepreneur. His education includes a B.A. in Contemplative Psychology ( minor, Traditional Eastern Arts) from Naropa University, and a Chinese Medical Degree from Five Branches University. He has completed dozens of marathons, 50