An Irishman Abroad

Marion McKeone’s 2022 Irishman In America Awards Show & News Review



Marion McKeone leads comedian Jarlath Regan through the biggest news stories of the year that was 2022, picks her biggest losers and biggest winners, and announces her hilarious categories in our most hotly anticipated episode in months. The 2022 Awards show is not a black tie event but the honour of being named Marion's "gobshite of the year" was as hotly contested as any Oscar campaign. Jar and Marion butt heads on the movie of the year, who should P.F.O and dig into the hardest news story she had to cover over the past 12 months. There's the winner of the "Smug Bastard" award and a look at whether the midterms really were the new beginning or just a short reprieve. A brief reminder at the top of the show that final tickets for Jarlath's live show in Dublin on January 7th have now been released. Grab a pair for yourself here. It's going to be great. Thanks as always to everyone who has supported the show this year on . Special thanks to Aoife Horan who came on board to do