Underground Usa

INTERVIEW: Freedom of Religion?



For what amounts to a lifetime, the ideological Left has created the myth that neither politics nor religion should be discussed in "polite company." But the fact of the matter is this. Because our society has fallen for this spiritual hobbling because those questing for power have conned us into believing that a wall had to be erected to keep religion from the public square, we have lost our access to ethics, the common tenets of morality, and the understanding that our country was founded on the belief that there is a much higher power than government.On this Easter weekend, I sat down with Justin Carroll, the host of the Southern Appalachian Herbs podcast to talk about a recent online attack on his right to practice religion and how some are blaming the evils of today on the only thing with the ability to keep evil in check: the belief in something greater than one's self.Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/chec