Underground Usa

Missing The Lessons Of History



There is a lot of truth in the adage, “history repeats itself.” Even a pedestrian student of history understands that if we ignore the important moments of history – if we ignore the lessons of history, we both hobble ourselves to being able to capitalize on that history and doom ourselves to repeating the mistakes made in the past.The absolute need for all of us to rededicate ourselves to life-long learning – especially where US history is concerned – returned to me after searching for some quotes on freedom. During that search I was reintroduced to one of the best political speeches ever given by an American President.The speech is 20 minutes long and is sparsely peppered with political comments more suitable to the year it was delivered, 1964, but the subjects and issues Ronald Reagan made on that day are hauntingly familiar to the troubles our nation faces today.I talk to Chuck Wilder on Talkback about the speech, the Reagan Revolution, and a host of other issues...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundu