Alliance Aces

9: Creating Alliances in a Platform-Based Ecosystem w/ Drew Quinlan



In the modern business environment, end users across the spectrum need rapid business solutions tailored to their industry. Expertise, functionality, maintenance and often times customization, are all necessary components of these solutions. Creating such a wide variety of dynamic applications is nearly impossible for any one company. Alliances, then, become vital. Take a technically sound platform, add an alliance network of industry-specific domain-level experts. Then, within that ecosystem, you can drive dynamic solutions that can be developed rapidly, productized and maintained for the end-user. How do we know? We asked Drew Quinlan, VP of Strategic Alliances for IoT at PTC. Drew leads the strategy and execution team responsible for expanding the functionality and capabilities of PTC’s ThingWorx IoT platform. He joined us on our most recent Alliance Aces Podcast to share how he develops alliances within PTC’s network and constantly expands the functionality of their IoT platform.