Success Happens

12.3.22 Success Happens, Science of Systems through Truth, Freedom, & Health



Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT and is an expert on the concept of the Science of Systems.  The Control Systems Theory has 9 fundamental principles discovered in the 1920’s. These 9 fundamental elements run every system in the universe 3 key System principles are: 1.      Transport (movement) = FREEDOM 2.      Conversion (shift) = TRUTH 3.      Storage (structural aspects) = HEALTH (physical/economic) Go to for more information and to join the movement. NOTE: FREEDOM -> EXPLORE TRUTH (PROVED OR DISPROVED) -> HEALTH (PHYSICAL/ECONOMIC) Dr. Shiva discusses his run for U.S. Senate and the involvement of government and Twitter in the election process through a portal between government and Big Tech.. For more information, go to,  He also discusses the violations of 52 USC 20701. There are 3 things in his experience based on his case that must occur for elections:      Signature Verification Process  (Signature, Verification Process by non-experts) a.