Creativity Cultivator Podcast - Turning Your Business, Your Team And You Into A Creativity Cultivator

Work from home? Office? Hybrid? We're asking the wrong question explains Bloomberg columnist Julia Hobsbawm.



Author and Bloomberg columnist Julia Hobsbawm explains why so much emphasis has been put on various work models, but most don't consider what's truly best for workers and customers. She explains corporate leaders' never-ending quest to get the workplace right, and how even work-from-home jobs can actually be a disadvantage to some folks, while being advantageous to others.  Hobsbawm also addresses why face-to-face communication is important but simultaneously problematic for single parents and those with disabilities. And she explains the office's relevancy isn't dead but simply changing.  If you or you company aren't sure how to move forward utilizing remote work, hybrid, or the office, this is the show for you. Read the full show notes at: