Bone Throwers Theater

BTT One-Shot: Capers, Ep. 1



It's time for the first ever, Bone Throwers Theater Christmas Special. Aaron takes the reins and drives the sleigh through the cold winter night for a new game for the podcast, Capers. In this episode, we polish off character creation, set the scene in the 1920s for this Christmas story, and get our first look at the rule set involving a deck of cards rather than dice. Hang on tight, as we start this fun story we have nicknamed "How The Mob Saved Christmas". System: Capers by Nerd Burger Games CAST: Aaron — The Game Master Jeff — Brando Marks Jeremy — Tommy "Mouse" Marone Johnny — James Bones Jordan — Leon "The Whisperer" Carpetti Music in the background from Fesliyan Studios and other sources