Clutter Free Academy

506 - My #1 Trick to Staying on Track



Kathi Lipp is flying solo today and is bringing you her very own #1 trick for staying on task. Do you have unfinished tasks during the day? Kathi wants to help you solve that problem with "The List." To make your own list, find a notebook that makes you happy and write down the things you need to do - ALL the things you need to do - even if that includes taking a shower. It's that easy! Keeping a list will: Help you get stuff done - You have a visual representation of your work Prioritize - Not all tasks are of equal importance or time sensitive Keep your mind clear - Writing it down means you don't have to keep thinking about it and can focus on the task at hand Things on your list should take you 5 minutes, so you can keep crossing things off all day long. Once you accomplish a task, you can cross it off the list. And doesn't crossing things off just feel great? If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a rating and a short review wherever you listen! This helps us get noticed and spread some more joy and