Bill Corbett's Creating Cooperative Kids

16 - Six Things To Do When The Kids Are Driving You Crazy



I'm Bill Corbett, the author of the book LOVE, LIMITS & LESSONS: A PARENT'S GUIDE TO RAISING COOPERATIVE KIDS and I've spent over 25 years working with parents and teachers with children with challenging behaviors. By listening to this creating cooperative kids podcast, you'll learn techniques for getting your kids to cooperate with you and the result will be having children who are more loving and fun to be with. These techniques are respectful to both you and your child and when practiced over and over, you'll find yourself with more peace and calmness in your home or in your classroom if you're a teacher.  On today's episode, psychotherapist Lisa Barrett and I got together to offer parents some advice who feel like their children are driving them crazy. We came up with six specific things that parents can begin practicing immediately and if they do, they may see immediate changes in their child's behavior. Lisa is a licensed professional counselor and registered art therapist, and author of the new boo