Badass Business Podcast

EP299: How to Ritualize Your Life to Heal & Become More Spiritual



All last month I was on a crazy adventure to Peru - and if you've been listening the the episodes on the show last month, we covered TONS of stories related to my Ayahuasca journey. I am grounding back in from my trip now, and I am so excited to continue to show up for you guys again over on the instagram! But first... another new epic episode that I recorded before Ieft. I decided to record this episode after we announced my new DIY program Spiritual Path Rituals last month. Over the years, I have gotten so many questions about my spiritual lifestyle, the things i do daily and the practices that have transformed my world so I felt like it would be wonderful to put them all into one episode for you! Today on the show I share: -my tips for how to embody a spiritual life -cleansing and clearing rituals that changed my life & health -how I healed illness with ritual work -simple how to practices that can make your life feel more connected, embodied and centered with source and the Universe. -the non-negotia