Dr. Friedemann Schaub

The Best Version of You During The Holidays | ES150



The holiday season is supposed to be the most magical time of the year. But for many, it's also the most challenging, especially when staying with family.For me, it usually took only 48 hours to argue with my dad about politics, be annoyed with my mom for having to get herself up early, and not allowing me to help her. I competed with my sister and reverted to being an angry teenager who cannot wait for the holidays to be over. Does this also sound like a familiar scene in your home?It can be easy to get wrapped up in the family drama and let negativity take over our emotions. Over the years, I found that the solution to this constant holiday struggle was to become my best self when I was visiting back home. When we act from a place of love, understanding, and joy - rather than fear or competition - we are investing in bettering our best selves during the holidays and making the season more enjoyable for everyone. If you are ready to make a change and learn more about how to give the gift of your best se