Phorest Fm

Maggie DiFalco on Planning a Smooth Exit and Succession for the Family Business



[256] Owner and leader Maggie DiFalco has invested over 25 years of her career to employing and mentoring young artists, giving back through charitable work and delivering outstanding guest experiences. When she retires, she'll be leaving big shoes to fill. But Maggie's not one to want to rush things. She wants to ensure the salon stays within the family and maintains its success well beyond her retirement. Hence, Jaclyn Gonzalez and Joe DiFalco have been steadily preparing themselves for the day their mother fully hands over the business ownership baton. In a rare interview on the matter, hear all three family members describe their roles within Maggie's exit plan, share their opinion on the biggest threats to success, and discuss preserving relationships, letting go and stepping up. Links: Learn more about Maggie The Salon: Click here to subscribe to the weekly Phorest FM email newsletter: This episode was edited and mixed by Audio Z: Montreal's cutting-edge pos