

Ep 305 Whitney Coupland   On today’s episode of The Live and Lead for Impact Podcast, Coach Kirsten is joined by Whitney Coupland. Whitney Coupland is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and Life Coach.  In her online coaching practice, she helps people with autoimmune diseases navigate the diet, lifestyle, and mindset aspects of healing so they can start feeling like themselves again.   Whitney goes into detail about how she got into the practice, starting all the way back when she was 12 years old when she went for a polar dip and realised her arms and hands were numb, which she found out was Raynaud’s Syndrome, and autoimmune condition. She also found when she was pregnant at 29 she had a second autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. She explains her work in the world is to help people like her, and Kirsten relates with her son having PAONS.   Whitney works one-on-one with her clients right now, mostly with people from the US and Canada, but also expanding to some in Europe. She explains she h