RIA Weekly

Episode 389: The Miscellaneous Keynote



This week we recap the news from AWS re:Invent and discuss application vendors mandating use of specific Kubernetes distros. Plus, some thoughts on dog boarding… Watch the YouTube Live Recording of Episode 389 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8L0QEIMvOs) Runner-up Titles Everyone gets a Graviton Instance What a Boring re:Invent Part of our brand 17 Days in the Hole Under the Stars, Under the Sea Tighten it up Don’t make me pay for security Secure by default That’s a great message and I don’t believe it Works with Lambda Security, it keeps getting better? Rundown AWS re:Invent What’s New at AWS – Cloud Innovation & News - 2022 Archive (https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/?whats-new-content-all.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&whats-new-content-all.sort-order=desc&awsf.whats-new-analytics=*all&awsf.whats-new-app-integration=*all&awsf.whats-new-arvr=*all&awsf.whats-new-blockchain=*all&awsf.whats-new-business-applications=*all&awsf.whats-new-cloud-financial-management=*all&awsf.whats-new-co