
Arrow & Component Review



Aron's long awaited arrow review is out.  This one may surprise you a bit with his choice.  Or maybe not.  Aron found most high end arrows are all inherently very good quality, the biggest factor is the component system.  Listen in as Aron breaks down the good, bad, and ugly of the arrows he tested and reviewed.  Hope everyone is having a safe and successful season thus far!  Be sure to tag Kifaru and KifaruCast on Instagram using your Kifaru products!  Be sure to #RHINOTOUGH and #GEARFORLIFE so we can share in your adventures.  Make sure to head over to our YouTube channel as well and check out some of our latest videos!  Click the subscribe button to stay up to date on the latest tech tips, gear reviews, and new product launches! Be sure to follow us on social media: Instagram:  @kifaru_intl   |   @kifarucast Facebook: /kifaruinternational   |   /kifarucast YouTube: /kifarutube   Did you like this episode? If you like what you hear go over to our Patreon and check out our levels of support, it helps up