Real Crime Profile

#409: Profiling the Murders of Laci Peterson and Conner Peterson | Part 2



We continue our step-by-step analysis of Laci Peterson’s victimology, the timeline and Scott Peterson’s behavior leading up to the day of her disappearance on December 24th 2002. When there are competing narratives about what happened and why it happened, Jim and Laura connect the dots and flag what is most important. As a domestic abuse and coercive control expert, Laura highlights that pregnancy and separation are high risk factors for serious harm and femicide and Jim gives us his take on other aspects of staging in this crime. #LaciPeterson #HerNameWasLaciPeterson #HisNameWasConnerPeterson #RealCrimeProfile #TrueCrime #ExpertAnalysis #Victimology #BehaviorMatters #doublehomicide #coercivecontrol #highriskCRIME ANALYST PODCAST - You’re interested in real crime? Tick You’re interested in good storytelling? TickYou want content that’s respectful to the victims and honours them TickAnd you want more insight and in-depth analysis about “the who” “the what” “the where” “the wh