

Today I am delighted to share my conversation with Tori Ames. We chat about Tori's process of rebuilding her life, changing our definition of success and holding onto our intangible wins. **Check out the Rebel Creators Community! | My fabulous group coaching program One Woman Band is now open! Click here to find out more!**   About Tori Ames   Tori is an artist and colour loving creative living in Norwhich, UK. Tori describes her life as an adventure so far and hopefully will always continue to be whether it be in her life or in her art. She is passionate about more things (well more experiences than things) than she could list but boiled down, they would probably all have a thread of connection, laughter, exploration, sunshine & creativity running through them. Tori has a never-ending thirst for variety, kaleidoscopes of changing sights, sounds, experiences and wonderful people in her life, which makes for a very busy life, but one that fuels rather than zaps energy from her.   Tori's Facebook | Tori's