Grief Dreams Podcast

E213 - Addison Brasil - Joining the Grief Club



Addison Brasil is a speaker and the Author of the book First Year of Grief Club: A Gift From A Friend Who Gets It. He shows up in the world as an active and committed mental health advocate after finding himself Just to the Left of Death three times during his twenties. Losing his brother to an inoperable brain tumor, finding his father after suicide, and surviving a fatal accident that killed a dear friend and left him relearning to walk. Attributing his ability to not only survive but thrive with PTSD and compounded grief to the value of community and connection. You can find more about Addison at In this episode we talk about his three major losses when he was in his 20’s, the importance of honesty in grief, living in the grey space, bringing humor back into his life, his new podcast, and grief dreams of his brother, father, and friend.   You can find more about Grief Dreams here: Our website –  Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and