
Episode #18: Creative Minds Unite



     Welcome to episode #18 of Wizardwatch!  We dive inside the pensieve with wizard rocker, fan fiction writer, and collaborator Grace Kendall.  Grace takes us on a journey into her unique HP experience that spans not just a few different areas of interest.  She may very well be the first Wizard Rock historian and tells of her support of female wizard rock performers you may or may not have heard of yet.     In Voldemort's Corner we explore what it's like to have a productive mind while not over doing things either.  Grace brings us closer to the reality of just how important it is to collaborate and share our interests, and find creative ways to do what inspires us.     We finish things off with a Roonil Wazlib tune, "Shell Cottage".  This is the first episode that will appear under the new name "Wizardwatch".  The change in name was inspired by the many creators featured on the show and the need to give the show an independent life that can support it's production costs.  If you would like to support the s