Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA)

On Thin Ice: A Critical Review of How Canadians Respond to Violence in 'Their' Game (Part 1)



Despite over a century of public and occasionally legal attention, there is more than enough evidence to suggest that Canadian attitudes to hockey violence have been passive, contradictory and even exploitative. Acknowledging that the game has been, and is, enmeshed in multiple genuine attempts to make it safer for children and adults, it is argued that Canadians continue to quibble over what “hockey violence” is, that the causes and effects of hockey violence extend well beyond the sport and that few sports are as simultaneously policed and un-policed as ice hockey. That said, the speaker will also address issues concerning violence in some other sports and discuss remedies that could discourage such behavior. . Speaker: Kevin Young Ph.D. Kevin Young completed his Ph.D. at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario and is currently a Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Calgary. He is an internationally recognized expert in the Sociology of Sport and on matters particularly related t