The Evan Brand Show

Bill and Haley Staley of Primal Palate: Kombucha Sickness and MTHFR Genetic Mutation Issues



Haley has recently dealt with the issues of Kombucha sickness and MTHFR genetic mutations that's thrown Haley's health for a whirlwind. She's written on her blog about the issues of anxiety and the cascade of effects that led to the canceling of their book tour. As someone who has dealt with personal and clinical cases of adrenal fatigue, the widespread effects that it can have into your life can be paralyzing. Stress can cause depression in some and anxiety in others. More commonly, my clients will have both symptoms and much more due to the effects that stress has on the nervous system. Listen in today as we talk about how this has played a role in Haley's health and how it has impacted her career. If you're someone who has dealt with adrenal stress, that means almost every human in the modern world, then you should pick up a copy of Stress Solutions, my latest program designed to recover your health and help you take charge of life through lifestyle, dietary and other measures.