Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA)

Myths of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) & Belonging. Why they matter in Academic Spaces. With Martha Mathurin-Moe: Executive Director- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.



The current social and educational discourse has brought to the forefront the urgent need to address systemic barriers and injustices that have historically excluded voices within academic spaces. The racial and social disparities were further exacerbated by the covid 19 pandemic which has also shown huge gaps within groups, communities, and countries around the world. Educational institutions as an agent of social change have an ethical responsibility to not only acknowledge its role in perpetuating the disparities of historically excluded groups but to be an active participant to call out and address them. The speaker will identify key foundational and guiding principles for EDI (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) and Belonging and will make the ethical and business case for EDI. She will address the myths that continue to impact the successful implementation of EDI strategies, and discuss the importance of allyship & advocacy and the role faculty, staff, students, administrators play in championing equ