Fx Medicine Podcast Central

REPLAY: Cultivating a Healthy Genitourinary Microbiome with Emma Sutherland and Moira Bradfield



Join Moira Bradfield and our ambassador, Emma Sutherland, as they deep dive into the various mechanisms that impact female genitourinary microbial balance. Moira speaks of soon to be published research on recurrent thrush from her PhD, the importance of L. crispatus, its relationship with oestrogen fluctuations, pre-conception and overall vulvourinary microbial health. Emma and Moira point to the fact that 25% of women experience recurring bouts of bacterial vaginosis and they discuss practical strategies for long lasting improvements including lifestyle and navigating the sensitive topic of sexual health, considerations with life-stage, when to test and what to look out for. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/replay-cultivating-healthy-genitourinary-microbiome-emma-sutherland-and-moira-bradfield ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to b