Bill Corbett's Creating Cooperative Kids

14 - Absent Parents Equate Gifts to Love



I'm Bill Corbett, author of the book love, limits, & lessons, a parent’s guide to raising cooperative kids.  Thanks for downloading and listening to this podcast. Author, educator and professional speaker, Dan Blanchard stopped by my studio the other day and we found ourselves talking about how some parents equate love to buying things for their kids. The holidays are getting closer and we’ve both seen absent parents swooping in to shower their children with all sorts of gifts and presents, and then swooping back out to being invisible again. These kinds of parents find it difficult to make the experience of being with their children and listening, the real gift. Our hope for this episode is that some absent and busy parents might hear our conversation and then make the decision to buy less and be 100% present more. Adults might think that their kids want the gifts and money more, but what they really want is a parent’s silent attention, their smile, their confirmation that they hear them and their loving