Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 290: Stop Avoiding This Marketing Technique



Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and today's topic is marketing mistakes number three. I often hear from small, medium, and even large business owners who have an aversion to emails. If they do emails they forget one very important thing they think that if they send an email that people aren't going to like them well people signed up for your email so that they could get more information about what you do or you know find out what's happening in your world.    The Really fascinating thing about marketing is we tell ourselves stories about what we should and should and and what we wouldn't want around marketing and the truth of the matter is we are not the customer we created our businesses so that we could surf our hearts most people anyway so that we can serve from our heart and really share the message and the magic and the things that we're good at so we can help another. The Really fascinating thing is marketing has to happen people have to market.    I talked a lot about this dur