The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

491: The Japanese Concept of Shu-Ha-Ri and Leadership



The Japanese idea of Shu-Ha-Ri is a combination of three characters – 守破離.  Shu is to protect the traditional techniques, the basics, the fundamentals.  Ha is to detach and break away from the tradition, to innovate and depart from our attachments to what we are doing.  Ri is to transcend to a level where there is no self-consciousness of what we are doing, we make it our own, because we have absorbed it all and it is now part of us.  This transition matches what we go through as leaders.  When we start we are unsure of exactly what we are supposed to be doing but over time we mature as leaders and can raise our effectiveness t greater heights.  Well that applies if we have been properly trained on the way up, which probably makes it difficult for most Japanese leaders to make the cut.  On the Job Training (OJT) is great if your mentor leader provides an excellent role model on which to base your own leadership style.  This is very much a long shot at best in Japan.  Getting proper training however is a much