Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 243: The Winter Running Project – A Framework To Improve Running Performance for All Levels



In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master coach Matt Dixon presents the Winter Running Project, a tried and true method for improving next year’s running performance regardless of your running level or overall goal.   The Winter Running Project is a chance for triathletes, fitness enthusiasts, injury-prone athletes, or those frustrated with the results of their running performance to improve their running technique and overall performance without getting depleted or shackling themselves with rigid structure in the postseason. (18:20) "What we're looking for in a project like this, again, is not burning up at the edge of our capacity, but we're looking for simple wins and a mindset of preparation. And so most athletes tend to thrive on a project like this, if they have a target, a goal, but that goal is built more around accountability and consistency, rather than a quantifiable, race-driven executional goal. And so I tend to not have athletes focus on training for an event here. Instead, yo