Grey Matters Now

Episode 38: Resonating With Full Circle Sound Healing: Healing The Mind, Body & Soul Through The Power of Sound with Mary Cap, Sound Healer



Mary Cap is a sound healer based in Carlsbad, CA where she lives with her husband and son. After leaving a fast paced and high stress career in the hotel wedding & events industry to be a stay-at-home mom when her son was born, she found herself feeling lost in both identity and direction after about a year of being at home. Experiencing depression for the first time in her life, she began to unravel the layers of trauma and conditioning that she realized were affecting her everyday life, relationships and ability to live life to the fullest. This “dark night of the soul” led to a spiritual awakening and ultimately led her to sound healing and starting her own business. Music has been a passion in Mary’s life since she was a young girl, and being able to help others and ease the burden of their stress was what she enjoyed most about her previous career in events. Being able to marry these two is her ultimate calling and purpose in life, allowing her to serve others while also cultivating an important too