Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Welcome! The Truth Behind The Covid-19 Numbers and Neil Ferguson and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN



Welcome!   We are still locked down due to this Pandemic and quite a bit is now being revealed about the "Model Scam" that got this whole thing started and why we are in the position we are in. So sit back on your patio with a cool drink and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hey everybody. Welcome back. Craig Peterson here on WGAN. I am going to talk about something that's going to upset a few people. I'm sure I can hear it now. There was a great article this week, from City Journal and city is where you'll find it online. CJ is what they call themselves. [00:00:28] They've got a lot of interesting stuff about really about London, about the UK, but here also in the US, they've got an eye on the news, the politics of fear, talking about economists and what's happening here. it just goes on and on. They've got a lot of very, very, very cool stuff. A bunch of things, Manhattan Institute as well. [00: