Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings News with Matt Gagnon: Website attacks, Companies and identity related attacks, Blocking bad ads



Good morning everybody! I was on with Matt this morning and we had a good discussion about the security and what we are now seeing in website attacks, and Companies identity-related attacks and How to block bad ads. Let's get into my conversation with Matt on WGAN. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: We're seeing Matt as many as 100 attacks per minute on some of these websites, but on average, we're talking about one attack every 15 minutes or about a hundred attacks a day on average. Good morning everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Matt. We talked about what's going on with our Chrome browsers. [00:00:24] Why are they slowing down? Of course, I give you a couple of things you can do in order to help improve that identity theft now on companies. What's this survey all about? We get into some detail and our websites are being attacked and it's quieter and more persistent than ever. So here we go with Matt.