Loi Weekly

LOI Central S06E39 with Pat Fenlon, Eoin Doyle & Alan Reynolds



Right before Dan goes to Qatar and Johnny loses another laptop we've gathered for the last dance. Regular sideman, Pat Fenlon is joined in studio by the man who once saved his job! Yes, none other than Eoin Doyle, who missed the Mendoza Line by half a goal this season but will be fresher next season after dragging his heart around St Anne's Park in the off season trying to remember who Stevie Nicks is. Alan Reynolds is f*cking live from Derry where low key celebrations and pre season planning is well under way following the minor distraction of a game last weekend. The victorious assistant joins us to discuss Lansdowne demons, big life decisions and his inability to get through a sentence without cursing. As 40 year old Johnny prepares for his one man crusade against Galway Utd next season, Dan has an insight on how to wear flares, the mailbag has the LOI Central drinking game (had to happen), and the lads in studio cast their thoughts forward to next season. All of this is subject to the continued and rather