Ian Fidance's Wild World

Kerrang! with Ethan Fixell



whats up everybody what an episode i have for ya this week! i wanna give a shoutout to DELTA for being pieces of shit, but i also wanna send love to washington, dc for being amazing - i forgot to mention i ate ben's chili, was surprised with a visit to the lincoln memorial at the end of the night and skanked on the stairs of the lincoln memorial to the specials at 3am. it was truly magical. almost as magical as my guest this week - ethan fixell.ethan is a rad dude who started out in punk/hardcore/metal bands, then got into comedy, then go into writing about beer, then got into being the executive director at Kerrang! magazine. insane! listen to our chat as we solve the world's problems and have fun while doing it. and then after you listen, come see me live this week!monday july 23 - new jokes at the cellar fat black pussycat, 8pm; stand up ny, 9pmwednesday july 25 - old man hustle, 8pmthursday july 26 - picture this! at littlefield, 8pmfriday july 27 - niagara, 8pm; stand up ny, 11:30pmsaturday july 28 - sta