This Endolife

How to Recover From Fatigue Whether You Have Endo or Dysautonomia, Or Both! With Dr Sarah Dueffert



Dr. Sarah Dueffert is a doctor of physical therapy, a board-certified neurologic clinical specialist and health coach specialising in fatigue and POTS recovery. Not only does Sarah help others get their life back, but she got her life back too - after years of mysterious symptoms like brain fog and crippling fatigue. Now she supports people to improve their energy and enjoy life again, after serious chronic illness like endometriosis and POTS have left them exhausted and barely able to get through the day. In today’s episode, Sarah and I are talking about how to recover from chronic fatigue with endo and dysautonomia/POTS. In this episode we discuss: What dysautonomia means and what specifically what POTS is and how it affects the body. How to get diagnosed with POTS or dysautonomia and the challenges women and people with endo face when asking for help with symptoms like a racing heart, chest pain, exhaustion and dizziness. The personality traits associated with POTS and chronic pelvic pain, in both the