Red-c Roundup

285 Rodney Boehm with Christopher and Amber Alejandro: NFP and Naprotechnology



This week on RED-C Roundup, our host, Pam Marvin, visited with Rodney Boehm, fertility care practitioner in College Station, and Christopher and Amber Alejandro, natural family planning (NFP) clients and advocates. In this episode, Pam spoke to our guests about NFP and why it is important. They spoke about what NFP and naprotechnology are, why it is becoming so popular, and what the benefits are.  They spoke about the different methods, and the technology behind each method. Lastly, success stories and testimonies were shared, as well as the challenges of using NFP.  The episode wrapped up with the group discussing why they recommend using Natural Family Planning and NaproTechnology. Remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up.