The Tony Rossi Show

4 helpful reminders for actors feeling stressed AF



Sometimes we just need a quick "Oh yeah, I forgot about that..." helpful thought to get us through those times we're caught in a negative spiral. Other times, we need a tangible action step. As we wrap up the serious where I cover my own journey feeling stressed AF (from a facial fracture!) this episode will cover a mix of both the tangible plus the reminders.    Welcome to Season 3! In this special edition season - you'll hear a story of a life changing traumatic injury yours truly went some lessons I learned - and what all actors can learn - in the process of setbacks and recovery… This week - we'll cover my doctor visits following a facial fracture, the fears that I had, and what actors can take away during those times you’re overcome with stress. In this episode, you'll hear... #TonyTip of the day - Why it’s a good thing to be unrealistic  The weird thing our brains do every time we’re stressed AF (that doesn’t help at all…)  A trick you can try anytime you start to freak out about your a