Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

Tarabuster EP 316: Republicons Blame Everyone but Themselves (Featuring Poppy Champlin)



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. Dems still in the running for the House while Republicons blame everyone but themselves. Nick Fuentes Says the Results of the 2022 Elections Prove 'Why We Need a Dictatorship Some Republicans Want to Raise Voting Age After Gen Z’s Strong Midterm Turnout In keeping with the fact that right wingers destroy everything they touch, Elon Musk has already ruined Twitter. They never learn. GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Cozies Up to Trump Early in 2024 Endorsement Comedian Poppy Champlin calls in to discuss the madness. Get involved! https://www.makedmssafe.com/ https://www.battleforthenet.com/ _________ Keep sane in these "interesting times" - check out Mark Ciociola's "A Radical You." https://aradicalyou.com/ Frustrated enough about government policy to want to do something about it? Join "Shaping Progress," the organization founded by Tarabuster's millennial corresponded Mark Middlestaedt. Check out Shaping Progress here: https://linktr.ee/sh