Torchlit Tavern

Prologue Episode - World Intro



Welcome to Griffonport! Capitol of Celesion, the largest country of Sharr, Thriving multicultural metropolis and major port city along the Sea of Balfallen. All are welcome, as long as you follow our laws and obey all law inforcement officials. The King has recently taken ill, but he extends his salutations and wishes you the best of fortune in your ventures within his beloved city. Visit one our many tourist attractions, such as the Griffonport Docks. The largest dockyard on the Balfallen sea and second most lucrative trade spot in the continent. Or maybe you are in need to healing from one of our major religious temples, be it solace from the Beautiful Nuns of Vespera, The Dour Church of Mors who keep our dead safely entombed, or the Protorum of Numen, crown jewel of the sun god himself. Our king is not taking court at the moment but his brother may allow an audience if you have royal business. Seek out the palace guard, or leave a request with our royal scrives. Our Merchant District on Trade Street has ma