Concussion Talk Podcast

Physical Therapy & Brain Injury in Pediatrics, Exercise, Biopsychosocial Approach



Thank you so much to Cassandra and Miriam of the Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association (NLBIA) for hosting Concussion Talk Podcast during June, Brain Injury Awareness Month!I'm back as host for episode 129 and my guest is Prof. Isabelle Gagnon who teaches neurorehabilitation and pediatric physiotherapy in the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy at McGill. She is also a researcher and clinician at Montreal Children's Hospital. "Prof. Gagnon's research program focuses on how children and adolescents function after traumatic injury as well as on how rehabilitation services can contribute to achieving the best outcomes possible. Specifically she uses various tests for balance, motor abilities and self-confidence in order to determine whether children and adolescents are ready to return to physical activities. She has developed an innovative rehabilitation approach with children who are slow to recover after a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. Through collaborations, she is also i