Snooze & Booze

Snooze & Booze: Ep. 127



Hey hey! Welcome back for another episode of Snooze & Booze! Currently at episode 127 we once again welcome back the lovely Lucia. Tonight we get through random rants, religion, and relationships. As time progresses it seems that even the most traditional ideals and prejudices become contemporized. What some would once consider marginalized concepts or groups of people, are now stepping out of the shadows and into the light not as spectacles, but as sanctioned. Gender is breaking out of the male/female mold. The "atomic family" isn't a necessary standard. Even sexuality can be acknowledged as fluid, not concrete. You can be into the opposite sex or the same sex or whatever sex you're into. Do you, boo-boo. Say you're a woman on a night out on the town and crushing on some cute girl you met at a bar or a guy at a gym sneaking a peek or two at some random beefcake in the locker room. No shame being a little curious. I mean lesbihonest, who hasn't thought about it?