Snooze & Booze

Snooze & Booze: Ep. 136



Welcome back kids to another fantubular episode of Snooze & Booze! Currently on episode 136, we welcome back to the stage, Christian. Today we talk about Christians today and Christianity and Christmas. Not really. Wanna know something though? When I was a young'un, there was a kid named Christian in my class and I thought he was like some hardcore Jesus freak. Like,"Who are your parents? Cathy Catholic and Peter Protestant?" Anyway, this one day the teacher went around the class asking everyone what they did over the weekend, and he said that he went to church with his family and I was like," Oh shit, it's true!" Pointless story, sorry. Went off a bit there. On this episode we talk about none of that. You'll have to listen if you wanna know what it is. I could write it, but I gotta drop a deuce and I got a midget paging me. Enjoy! xoxo