Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

[Part Two] Rapture will happen after The Great Tribulation.



SUBSCRIBE to Kay & Olu Taiwo’s Youtube Channel!https://www.youtube.com/c/KayOluTaiwoPretribbers often quote that the reason we will be raptured before the GREAT TRIBULATION is we are not the objects of God’s wrath to come.And with movies like "left behind" and books in abundance implying a pretribb rapture, it is no wonder why pretribbers are emotionally vested in a defense of a pretribulation rapture.Did you know that the pre-tribulation doctrine was not embraced by the 1st generation church but became popular starting in 1830 by John Darby and also a woman by the name of Margaret MacDonald?While the Church is not the object of God’s wrath, this does not mean that the Church will not be present when God executes His wrath upon the earth. God’s wrath must be totally distinguished from persecution executed by the anti-ChristBeing kept from the wrath to come does not explicitly mean we are raptured out of this world. Again, Pre-tribbers reading into the text.God can protect His own like He did before.Noah