Your Mileage May Vary

Is Sugaring Dating?, Young Women's Quest For Commitment, Breast Size Preferences, Dumped For Squrting



Squirting is a tricky subject, and doubly so when your partner insists on some measure of cleanliness (and dryness) in his bedding materials. Is it reasonable for a woman to be irritated that a man dumped her more or less immediately because she squirted? I mean, isn't that a pretty good indication that she was very into him? Closer to home, we continue our discussions of sugar dating, probing the specific differences between vanilla dating, sugar dating and prostitution. How malleable is the female response during sex and in a relationship more broadly? And, what is behind the bizarre behaviors from young women around sex and commitment A woman is irritated at a man for not having a condom with him for their first sexual encounter, another isn't sure why her partner wants to see her small breasts. And, a man feels emasculated by his partner's vibrator. We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: